Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Stronghold of Fear

        Fear... Fear is a stronghold which the devil uses to control so many lives. I have seen it, both in others and myself. Throughout my life the devil has used circumstances uncontrollable by me to try and take out my faith in God through fear. Situations like the heart attack my mother had, and the death of my grandfather by cancer. However, at a young age, My parents instilled in my heart the idea that God will not allow me to be put me through anything that I cannot handle, and this knowledge, along with numerous scriptures, have made me who I am today. 

        Joshua 1:9 says, in short: "Be strong, don't be afraid, because God is with you everywhere you go." As a child, when I had nightmares, my mother got me a pillow with this scripture written on it. Now, it has become my weapon of choice for combatting the enemy. Satan himself knows scripture far better than we do, they are the very words of our creator. Therefore, he cannot stand it when we use them. Hebrews 13:6 says that "The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?". Now you may say, "but satan is immortal"... Welllll no, I believe the only true immortal is he who created everything, and who can end it. Though satan has a body that is technically "immortal" as he won't die of old age, he is not omniscient, and is still bound by time, which God created. So next time satan brings upon you life circumstances that bring pain, just remember... You are the child of the one true creator who loves you. Sometimes trials are just tests he allows you to go through to prepare you for that one person you will meet, who is going through something similar, and you can bless their life with encouragement. That has happened to me countless times! Besides, when the devil tries us and fails, God smiles. Just like Job, God takes pride in his faithful children, and Satan hates it when he simply can not break us. I know not that everything I've gone through, it was all just a test, a grand "scheme" by he enemy, which The Lord has turned for good! Because me, sitting here, saying this to you is something the devil never foresaw, and I can just see him now, screaming at my window, cursing  and speaking profanity at the sight of man he couldn't break, turning what he meant for evil into word of life for others! So take heart and stand strong in adversity, know that every time you help another, you show them a glimpse of the face and the love of God.

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