Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Bible: An Underdog Story

                              Let me start off by saying that I am a doubter. When God starts working in my life, at first I’m thinking AWESOME! But give it a little bit of time and then I start to wonder if he’s really doing anything at all. Maybe I’m just making it up? Maybe I’m being overdramatic?  Maybe he wouldn’t really use me like that? Doubt is a great and powerful tool to effectively undo all the things God is trying to do in your life. Especially when it comes to your calling.
                Think about it. God created each of us for a specific reason. Some of us are called to be doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs while others are missionaries or youth pastors. Imagine how great it would be for the devil if he kept us from fulfilling that great calling God has put on our lives. Unfortunately it’s so easy to believe that we’re not the ones with the great callings. We’re not outgoing enough, spiritual enough, or “great” enough for them.
                Funny thing is God has a habit of placing the “significant” callings on some not so significant people. Usually though, the biggest thing keeping us from fulfilling them is ourselves. Take a look into the life of Moses and I’ll show you what I mean.
                Moses’ calling was to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt and consequently to freedom (Exodus 3:10). But you know it wasn’t as easy as saying “Ok guys, let’s get out of here.” From Moses’ perspective there were some serious issues with God’s plan.
                First off, in order to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses had to be a leader. But there was one tiny problem with that aspect of the plan. Moses had difficulty even talking. Most scholars believe he had a stutter. How in the world was he going to get these people to follow him if he couldn’t even talk to them? You got to be kidding me, right? And Moses even mentioned this to God in Exodus 4:10.
                On top of that, the people Moses was supposed to be leading didn’t even really like him. A lot of times we don’t think about it, but Moses didn’t really fit in anywhere. He was technically an Israelite by birth but had grown up living an Egyptian lifestyle. Because of this he didn’t really belong to either group. He was an outcast of sorts. In fact he was living in exile when God gave him his calling.  So how was he, the outcast, supposed to get these people to follow him in the first place? (Exodus 3:11)
                And probably most dauntingly of all was the fact that Pharaoh, one of the most powerful leaders at the time, would never just let his slaves walk out of his country, no questions asked. No way. If it came down to it, there would be a war to get out, which the Israelites would most likely never agree to. I mean let’s face it. Who would win in a fight, a bunch of slaves or their powerful oppressor?
                So here’s where the story stands right now. Moses, the stuttering outcast, is supposed to get the Israelites to follow him out of Egypt in direct defiance of the powerful Pharaoh. At this point it makes sense why Moses argued with God from the moment his calling was given. I mean, how in the world was he supposed to pull that off? But this is where God stepped in.
                Problem #1. You can’t speak? Look Moses, I will give you the words. But if you’re still uncomfortable with that, I’ll even give you someone to say them for you. You just act as the channel between me and my people. I’ll do the rest. (Exodus 4:10-16)
                Problem #2. You don’t belong? I will show the Israelites miraculous signs so that they know I am the one backing this. It’s not about you and how great you are. It’s about me and how great I am. (Exodus 4:30-31)
                Problem #3. You’re afraid of Pharaoh? I will break down Pharaoh’s will so that by the time I am done with him you will be able to walk out of this country, a free people, without ever having to lay a hand on a weapon. (Exodus 7-11, Exodus 12:31-42)
                And God did exactly all of that.
The main thing I want you to get from this is that from our perspective, God’s calling on our life is probably going to seem impossible or in Moses’ case, verging on crazy. But we have a crazy God who can do incredible things if we just let him. Maybe you’re called to be in ministry, to go to a foreign country and preach to people who you can’t even communicate with because of the language barrier. Maybe you’re supposed to tell a group of friends exactly what purity means to you. Maybe you’re supposed to change your college plans. And you’re thinking God, you have got to be kidding me. Remember though, that from our perspective God’s plans rarely make sense. But if he called you to do something, don’t believe for a second that he doesn’t also have a way for you to do it. It doesn’t matter how great you are or not. There was nothing remarkable about Moses. Except for the calling God put on his life and the fact that he answered it. Are you ready to answer your calling?

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